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Version: 4.2.5

Add Payload To AS2 Message


Adds a payload to an AS2 message using a stream that contains the payload. Optionally closes the stream after the payload has been added.

Assembly: iCore.Workflow.Activities.AS2
Category: AS2


MessageIAS2MessageThe message to add a payload to.
ContentTypeStringContent type associated with the payload.
FileNameStringName of the payload file.
FileCreatedDateTimeDate and time the payload file was created.
FileModifiedDateTimeDate and time the payload file was created.
DataEncodingAS2DataTransferEncodingSpecifies how to encode the data being transferred.
DataStreamStreamOpen stream containing payload data.
CloseStreamsBooleanIf set to True, the input payload stream is closed after it has been added to the AS2 message.

Sending and receiving messages with more than one payload requires a system implementation that supports EDIINT-Feature Multiple-Attachments that is part of AS2-version 1.2. All messages sent by the system should have AS2Version set to 1.2 and AS2EdiintFeatures to Multiple-Attachments to indicate that the system supports the Multiple-Attachments feature.