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Version: 4.2.5

Create FTP Connection Configuration


Creates a set of properties needed to open a connection to an FTP server.

Assembly: iCore.Workflow.Activities.Ftp
Category: SFTP/FTP


DisplayNameStringName of the activity.
ResultIFileTransferConnectionConfigurationThe created connection configuration.
ServerStringName or IP address of FTP server.
PortInt32Port that the FTP service is listening on for incoming connections. Default: 21
UserStringUser name on FTP server.
PasswordStringPassword associated with the user name.
Account infoStringSpecifies the account information sent to the server using the ACCT (account information) command.
Passive FTP modeBooleanSpecifies whether passive FTP mode is to be used. True means it will be used (Default).
Connection timeoutInt32A connection timeout period (in milliseconds) that applies to:

  • Socket timeout – how long the client will try to establish socket connection to server.
  • Listen timeout – how long the listening socket will be open in active mode.
  • Transfer timeout – how long the client is to wait for data connection from remote side to be accepted. Default: 60000.
List methodFtpListMethodThe list command sent to the server. If the server supports MLSD, this option is recommended. Default: MLSD.
Server directory separatorStringCharacter used by server to separate directories in paths. Default: /.
RetriesInt32Number of times the activity will retry to issue a failed command before an error occurs. Default: 0
Time between retriesTimeSpanTime in seconds to wait between each retry. Default: 0.
TraceBooleanEnables/disables tracing of sent and received FTP commands to a file. True means tracing is enabled. Default: False.
Trace fileStringThe path to the file where traced commands are to be saved.

To make the trace file more suitable for presentation, you can trace to a Node file of the custom Node Type FTP trace. For more information, see FTP Trace Format.
Ignore error codesInt32Specifies error codes (not specified by the FTP protocol) that may be returned from the FTP server when listing files and there are no files to return. The specified error codes will be ignored when returned. Fill in codes to be ignored as comma-separated list. Example: {500, 503, 550}
List is case sensitiveBooleanSpecifies whether file lists that are retrieved internally are handled as case sensitive. True means lists will be handled as case sensitive. Set argument to True when FTP server has a case sensitive file system.
Remote code pageInt32Specifies the code page/charset to be used by the remote server. If not specified, 20127 (US-ASCII) is used.
Encrypt data channelBooleanSpecifies whether encryption of data channel is to be enabled. True means encryption is enabled. Default: False.
Use SSLBooleanSpecifies whether SSL is to be enabled. True means SSL is enabled. Default: False.
Auth commandFtpAuthorizationCommandAuthorization command to be sent to server to request an explicit SSL session.
VersionsSslVersionsSSL/TLS version to be used. More than one option can be selected. Default is TLS 1.3, TLS 1.2.

For more information, see General information about SSL and TLS.
SSL modeSSLModeSpecifies whether explicit or implicit SSL mode is to be used. Default: Implicit.
Use SSL session resumptionBooleanSpecifies if SSL session resumption should be used.
Certificate validation configurationCertificateValidationConfigurationDefines the options and rules to use for validation of server certificates when using an SSL connection. For example, see Remarks.
CertificateICertificateThe client certificate that the server may request.
Concurrent ConnectionsInt32Number of concurrent connections opened to the server for receiving files. Applicable only when using binary transfer type. Default: 0.
Buffer sizeInt32Specifies the size of the data buffer used in the data transfer.
Incoming speed limitInt32The maximum number of bytes per second that the FTPS client can receive. A value of 0 (zero) means the maximum number is unlimited.
Outgoing speed limitInt32The maximum number of bytes per second that the FTPS client can send. A value of 0 (zero) means the maximum number is unlimited.
Use IPv6BooleanSpecifies whether IPv6 should be used.
Use FEAT commandBooleanSpecifies whether to send FEAT (feature list) command to the server.
Virtual host nameStringName of the virtual host to identify using the HOST command.
Trusted storageICertificateStoreThe certificate storage containing trusted certificates for validation of server certificate.
Enable validationBooleanEnables/disables validation of remote servers certificate. Disabling validation implies that all received certificates will be accepted without any validation. Default: True.
Transfer typeFtpTransferModeSpecifies how data is to be transferred.


The below Code expression example shows how to set up a default Certificate validation configuration:

New iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.CertificateValidationConfiguration() With {
.RequirementSuppression = iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.CertificateValidationErrorSuppression.Default,
.Options = iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.CertificateValidationOptions.Default,
.RevocationCheckPreference = iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.CertificateValidationRevocationCheckPreference.PreferCrl,
.RevocationMomentGracePeriod = 60

See Also

Open SFTP/FTP Connection
FTP Trace Format