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Version: 4.2.5

Create SFTP Connection Configuration


Creates a set of properties needed to open a connection to an SFTP server.

Assembly: iCore.Workflow.Activities.Ftp
Category: SFTP/FTP


NameStringName of the activity.
ResultIFileTransferConnectionConfigurationThe created connection configuration.
ServerStringName or IP address of SFTP server.
PortInt32Port that the SFTP service is listening on for incoming connections. Default: 22
UserStringUser name on SFTP server.
PasswordStringPassword associated with the user name.
Server validationSftpServerValidationSpecifies how the server is validated. Turning validation off by selecting 'None' is not recommended.
Server public key fileStringFile containing the server's public key. Used for validation of server. Note that file needs to be accessible at runtime.
Private key fileStringFile containing the client’s private key. Set if public key authentication is to be used.
Private key file passwordStringPassword used to open the encrypted private key file.
Transfer typeSftpTransferTypeSpecifies how data is transferred. Options are:

  • Binary
RetriesInt32Number of times the activity will retry to issue a failed command before an error occurs. Default: 0
Time between retriesTimeSpanTime in seconds to wait between each retry. Default: 0
Socket timeoutInt32Specifies the maximum time of inactivity (in milliseconds), after which socket operation is cancelled and is considered expired. A value of 0 implies that operation never will expire.
Download blockSizeInt32Controls the size, in bytes, of the single request for data reading from the remote server.

The default value is 0, which means "use optimal value". Optimal value is set to 2Mb - 256b.
Upload blockSizeInt32Controls the size, in bytes, of the single request for data writing to the remote server.

The default value is 0, which means "use optimal value". Optimal value is set to 32Kb - 256b since not all servers support larger values.
Force compressionBooleanSpecifies whether file lists are handled as case sensitive. True means lists will be case sensitive.
VersionsSftpVersionSpecifies SFTP versions which can be used during the connection.
Interactive logonSortedList<string, object>Used when the client needs to support interactive logon but cannot implicitly resolve server prompts. Named values where each name/value pair is server prompt and client response. For example username: 'User: ' and 'user001'.
You can use the following syntax for setting the property:
New SortedList(Of String, Object) From {{"User: ", "user001"}, {"Password: ", "passwordofuser001"}}
Implicit interactive logonBooleanSet to true when client needs to support interactive logon. The client will try to resolve server prompts for username and password.
Pipeline lengthInt32Specifies the pipeline length, i.e. the number of concurrent read/write operations sent within a single download/upload. A high value will improve performance but requires more resources (memory).
Auto adjust transfer blockBooleanSpecifies whether the block sizes and pipeline length is adjusted for optimal performance. The default value is true, which means that block sizes and pipeline length are adjusted to an optimal value.
Use HTTP proxyBooleanEnables the use of SFTP with HTTP proxy.
HTTP proxy serverStringThe client certificate that the server may request.
HTTP proxy portInt32Port that the HTTP proxy server listens to for incoming connections. Default: 80
Authentication methodBooleanWhat authentication method should be used for the HTTP proxy connection.
HTTP proxy usernameStringUsername for the HTTP proxy authentication.
HTTP proxy passwordStringPassword for the HTTP proxy authentication.
Use SOCKSBooleanEnables to use SFTP with SOCKS.
SOCKS serverStringName or IP address of the SOCKS server.
SOCKS portInt32Port that the SOCKS server listens to for incoming connections. Default: 1080
SOCKS versionSocksVersionThe version of the SOCKS protocol.
Use IpV6BooleanIf set to True, SOCKS connection will use IPv6.
SOCKS resolve address on serverBooleanIf set to True, the server should try to resolve the hostname of the SFTP destination server.
Enable authenticationBooleanIf set to True, the SOCKS connection will use authentication.
SOCKS usernameStringUsername for the SOCKS authentication.
SOCKS passwordStringPassword for the SOCKS authentication.
Use UTF8BooleanIf set to True, the filename will be parsed using UTF8.
Suppress additional operationsBooleanSet to True to suppress any additional file operations, which lets you overcome problems which may occur with some SFTP servers. True means that all operations related to upload and download of files are discarded.

If the target directory does not exist when uploading a file, an exception is thrown. An existing file on the server is always overwritten during upload regardless of the Store mode option set on relevant activities (see for example Upload SFTP/FTP File From Stream). Resuming is not supported during download.
Initialize KEXBooleanSet to True if you want the client to send KEX (key exchange) initialization to the server immediately after the connection is established. Doing so can solve issues with some SFTP servers that expect the client to initialize KEX.

See Also

Open SFTP/FTP Connection