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Version: 4.2.5

Write To Log


Writes a string to the specified log (iCore and/or system).

Assembly: iCore.Workflow.Activities
Category: iCPS


TextStringText to write to log.
LevelLogLevelThe level of the log to add.
DestinationLogDestinationText to write to log.

If Destination is set to 'System Log' or 'ALL', and the Workflow containing the Write To Log activity is run with the Run Component tool, nothing will be written to the system log. These options will only work when running the Workflow from the iCore service.

The system log is saved to the Windows logs (open Computer Management, and go to System Tools > Event viewer > Windows Logs > Application).
Node IDLongID of the Node to associate the log entry with. -1 means that the log is not associated with any Node.
EnabledBooleanSpecifies if the log will be written or not. The property can be used to selectively control which log entries are output from a Workflow, for example via a Setting.