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Version: 4.2.5

iCore Trig


iCoreTrig.exe is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of iCIS.

The application iCoreTrig.exe allows external applications to create iCore events from the command prompt. The application works by encapsulating the COM object RemoteInput (for details, see via iCore Events Remote Input-object). iCoreTrig may then instantiate RemoteInput through the Registry settings of the local computer (the computer on which iCoreTrig is run). Depending on the way it was registered, this procedure gives a local or remote instantiation. However, you may also specify explicitly where the RemoteInput-object is to be instantiated.

Required switches

/sn:\<system name>Name of the system to receive the Event.
/u:\<username>iCore username.
/p:\<password>iCore password.
/e:\<event type name>Name of the Event to be created.

If a parameter contains a space character (' '), you must put the whole expression between double quotation marks ("").
Example: "/sn: My iCore System".

Optional switches

Event parameters

/f:\<file>Name of file to be sent together with the created Event. Create a new iCore Node, for the contents of the file. see /nodename:<name> below. The created Node will be sent as an Event Node.*
/nodename:\<name>Creates a new iCore Node with the name <name>. The created Node will be sent as an Event Node.*
/d:\<param>iCore Event parameter.
/b:\<bookmark>iCore Event bookmark.
/i:\<priority>iCore Event priority (values: 1-10).
/x:\<execute earliest>Earliest execution of the Event (format: yyyymmddhhmmss).

* If you create parameter /f: and parameter /nodename:, only one Node will be created. This Node will contain the file from parameter /f: and will be named in accordance with the value in parameter /nodename:.

Remote instantiating

/s:\<icore server>Name of the computer where the remote input object is to be instantiated.

The parameters below can be used only when remote server (/s:) is set.

/ru:\<remote NT user name>NT username on remote computer.
/rp:\<remote password>NT password on remote computer.
/rd:\<remote domain for NT user>Domain name for remote computer.


/async or /syncSpecifies whether the Event is asynchronous or synchronous. If this parameter is not set, asynchronous is default.
See also /t and /edb, below.
/t:<seconds>Time in second(s) that iCoreTrig will wait for a response from a synchronous event. This parameter can only be used if /sync is set: Default: Infinite (-1)
/edbInserts the event to database, if no contact is established with the Event Manager. The parameter can only be used when /async is set.

Return values

iCoreTrig returns '0' (zero) on success, and otherwise an error code. It also prints the result to stdout, with the text 'Done' on success. On failure it prints error text, error source and error code. The printed result may be piped to a file that can be parsed by the calling application.

iCoreTrig, example

The example below creates a new Node with the name "020201". The Event (asynchronous) is created with the new Node as Event Node.
The result from the call is written to the file C:\\resultfiles\\020201\_res.txt, which may be parsed by the calling application.

iCoreTrig /sn:iCore /u:Extuser /p:123 "/e:Parse file" /nodename:020201 /f:c:\\Inputfiles\\Filetoparse.txt \> c:\\Resultfiles\\020201\_Res.txt