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Version: 4.3.0

Send Mail


Sends an e-mail message.


If a mail server returns the SMTP error "530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first", the activity will renegotiate the connection using STARTTLS and retry the send operation if StartTLSOption = "Retry" was specified.

Assembly: iCore.Workflow.Activites
Category: Misc



Authentication can be done either with basic or so-called modern authentication.


Currently, modern authentication can only be used with Microsoft Office 365.

Basic authentication

PasswordStringThe password used to log-in on to the server.
PortInt32The SMTP server port. Default: 25.

The SMTP server to use for sending the mail. Can be either:

SSL/TLS versionSslVersionsSSL/TLS version to be used. More than one option can be selected. Default is TLS 1.3, TLS 1.2.

For more information, see General information about SSL and TLS.
StartTlsOptionStartTlsOptionSpecifies how Start TLS will be used.
UsernameStringThe user name used to log-in on to the server.

Modern authentication


When using modern authentication, the Server parameter listed under Basic authentication needs to be set to Auto:Modern-MicrosoftOffice365. The other parameters in that section can be disregarded.


Modern authentication requires either a client secret or a certificate. Consequently, it is enough to set one of the parameters Client secret or Certificate. If both are set, the certificate option is selected.

For more information, see Authentication in mail clients using Microsoft Office 365.

Account nameStringThe account name of the user.
CertificateICertificateThe certificate used to authenticate the client. Can be used instead of client secret.
Client IdStringThe identifier for the Azure AD client (application) used for authentication.
Client secretStringThe client secret used to authenticate the client.
Tenant IdStringTenant Id of the Azure Active Directory.

Delivery status notification


When the activity is configured to use a Microsoft Exchange Online mail server (Office 365) with modern authentication, only the Notify parameter value "DSNOptions.Success" is taken into account. Segment and EnvelopeId will not have any effect.

Envelope IdStringThe Envelope Id to be included in the return message header.
NotifyDSNOptionsThe Delivery Status Notification requested for the message.
SegmentDSNSegmentThe Delivery Status Notification segment to return.


AttachmentsIEnumerable<Attachment>The files to attach.
BccStringThe e-mail address of the BCC recipient of the message. If there are multiple addresses, they are to be separated by ";" (semicolon).
CcStringThe e-mail address of the CC recipient of the message. If there are multiple addresses, they are to be separated by ";" (semicolon).
FromStringThe e-mail address of the sender of the message.
MailBodyStringThe body text to be placed in the message.
SubjectStringThe subject of the message.
ToStringThe e-mail address of the recipient of the message. If there are multiple addresses, they are to be separated by ; (semicolon).